NYT: US intelligence gave APU coordinates to kill Russian generals

American military intelligence gave the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) the coordinates of the military bases of the Russian army to kill the generals of the RF Armed Forces . This is reported by The New York Times .

“Throughout the conflict, the United States provided Ukraine with information about command posts, ammunition depots, and other key nodes on Russian military lines,” the article says.

According to the newspaper, it was this intelligence that allowed the Ukrainian forces to “kill high-ranking generals and divert ammunition supplies further from the Russian front line.”

Earlier, retired US Marine Corps intelligence officer Scott Ritter said that the conflict in Ukraine will end in the summer of 2023 with the defeat of Kiev due to the unsuccessful counteroffensive of Ukrainian troops.

On February 24, 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that he had decided to conduct a military special operation in Ukraine in response to a request for help from the heads of the LPR and DPR.

The decision to conduct the operation was the reason for new sanctions against Russia by the United States and its allies.


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