ChatGPT shocks security vulnerabilities, you can browse other people’s chat history

The artificial intelligence chat robot ChatGPT has set off a boom in the world, but a serious security loophole has been discovered recently, and some users have complained one after another. ChatGPT’s historical chat record column has the title of other people’s chat records, which makes the outside world worry about the user’s privacy. vent. OpenAI, which developed ChatGPT, acknowledged that the problem was caused by a software bug in the open-source library, but it has now been fixed.
Users on Reddit and Twitter recently reported that seeing other people’s chat records in the “History” section of ChatGPT, although not all the conversation content, but a brief title description, still made them feel doubts about privacy leaks and worried Whether other people will also see your message due to the error.
Jordan Wheeler, a network security consultant, posted a screenshot on Twitter this Monday, and saw a chat record title that was not his own in the chat history column on the left side of the ChatGPT web page, which was suspected to be a conversation between another user and ChatGPT theme.
This forced OpenAI to shut down the function urgently. A spokesperson for OpenAI also confirmed the security flaw afterwards, and explained that the error did not reveal the complete content of the user’s conversation with ChatGPT, only a simple title appeared.
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman acknowledged that users’ ChatGPT chat histories were leaked due to a software bug in the open source library. He tweeted an apology on Wednesday: “We thought this was a very bad thing. But this major issue has now been fixed.”
This incident started on Monday, and users reported that ChatGPT chat conversations from others were displayed in the chat history. Despite concerns that the privacy issue was caused by hackers, Altman blamed the problem on a software bug in an unnamed “open source library.” OpenAI has fixed the problem, but the company may have lost users in 3 The chat log on the 20th.
Although the ChatGPT vulnerability did not cause a serious leak, OpenAI also warned users not to share personal sensitive information on ChatGPT.
But many users still worry about their privacy. Millions of users use this artificial intelligence chatbot to draft messages, write songs and even code, and the chat history between users and ChatGPT will be stored in the history column for review.


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