Gun Clubs Urge Jewish People to Become Proficient with Firearms

Gun clubs in New York and Texas are urging Jewish people to respond to anti-Semitic threats at home and abroad by becoming proficient with firearms.
The Jewish News Syndicate (JNS) reported that Tzvi Waldman, founder of the NYS Jewish Gun Club, noted that “there has been an increase in gun ownership among the Chassidic community, especially in the past few years.”
But Waldman wants to see even wider involvement.
He said, “Jewish people need to be vigilant, whether it is against a jihadist or a lunatic hopped up on drugs. This underscores the need for every congregation to have a trained professional. Whether it is just for a hobby or self-defense, what we try to do is promote responsible and legal gun ownership among the Jewish people.”
Austin, Texas-based Central Texas Jewish Rifle and Pistol Club founder Mike Miller echoed Waldman’s points, saying, “Jewish people need to be trained to be proficient in gun laws and on the shooting range. When the police are called, it is often too late.”
Miller added, “Jewish people need to rethink this pacifistic attitude that we have inherited from Europe. It is not helpful. We should let our enemies know we are not afraid to respond.”
Dr. Fred Kogen, founder of the California-based Bullets and Bagels shooting club, says he would just like to see Jewish people be able to choose to be armed without feeling subsequently isolated.
Kogen said, “From my perspective, Jewish people who show interest in firearms are ostracized, and I would like to change that.”
Breitbart News observed that Israeli cabinet ministers were weighing numerous options, including speeding up issuance of firearm licenses to arm more civilians, in the aftermath of the Friday, January 27, 2023, terrorist attack in Israel.
There was a second attack on Saturday, January 28, 2023, and the Times of Israel noted ministers in the “high-level security cabinet” were convening to discuss response options to the terrorism. The options “[included] expediting the issuing of firearms licenses for civilians and providing further funding for the purchase of guns.”


Tags:gun clubs, jews

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