Most Democrats Prefer ‘Someone Else’ as Nominee in 2024 Instead of Joe Biden

Most Democrats prefer someone other than President Joe Biden to be their nominee in 2024, a recent Fox News survey found.
The survey asked Democrat primary voters if they believe Biden should be the Democrat nominee in 2024 or “someone else.”
A majority, 53 percent, said “someone else,” while over one-third, 37 percent, said “keep Biden” as the nominee.
The article added further perspective to Biden’s figures among the Democrat base, noting that Trump saw far more support from his Republican base at the same point in his presidency, as 72 percent of Republican voters wanted to see him as the GOP nominee again in 2020.
The survey was taken February 19-22, 2023, among 1,006 registered voters and has a +/- 4.5 percent margin of error.
It follows a mix of polling data for the incumbent, as he has struggled to garner majority support for a 2024 presidential reelection bid. A Rasmussen Reports survey released ahead of the State of the Union Address this month, for example, actually found 56 percent not wanting Biden to run for reelection. Just 32 percent said they wanted him to run again, followed by 12 percent who remained unsure. These numbers included Democrat, Republican, and independent voters.
In that survey, 53 percent of Democrats said they supported the prospect of Biden running for reelection, while one quarter of Democrats and 51 percent of independents said they did not.
Similarly, a recent Washington Post/ABC News poll asked Democrats and Democrat-leaning independents if they would prefer to nominate Biden or someone else, and 58 percent said they would like to nominate someone else. Less than one-third, 31 percent, said they would want Biden.
A recent NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist Poll, however, found the tide could be changing in favor of Biden among Democrats, as 50 percent said they now believe Democrats will have the best chance of winning the presidency in 2024 with Biden at the helm.
Meanwhile, surveys continue to show former President Donald Trump leading Biden in a hypothetical 2024 presidential matchup, prompting worries from some Democrats, including former Obama Cabinet member Julián Castro.


Tags:2024 election, candidates, Biden

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