American scholar: The United States is wooing Japan and the Philippines in an attempt to build another alliance to contain China

The heads of the United States, Japan and the Philippines will meet for the first time in Washington on April 11 to discuss trilateral cooperation. In this regard, Peter Kuznik, a history professor at American University, commented that the United States is trying to deepen cooperation with all possible allies in the Asia-Pacific region to contain China.

The United States, Australia, and the United Kingdom jointly created the trilateral military alliance the United States, Britain, and Australia Trilateral Security Partnership (AUKUS). Meanwhile, Washington is conducting a Quadrilateral Security Dialogue with Australia, Japan and India.

Now, Washington has decided to establish joint dialogue relations with Tokyo and Manila. On April 11, the leaders of the three parties are expected to discuss cooperation in the fields of economy, new technologies, ecology and climate, as well as security issues in the Asia-Pacific region, including the South China Sea.

American scholar Kuznik said that the United States is militarizing the entire Asia-Pacific region in an attempt to contain China, while the White House is busy dealing with the Ukraine crisis and conflicts in the Middle East. But these attempts were in vain.

“U.S. capabilities are stretched to the limit when it comes to Ukraine and the Gaza Strip. They need allies who can provide armaments and weapons and help pay for them. If a conflict breaks out between Beijing and Taipei, the U.S. will look to Japan and South Korea for military assistance. The U.S. It also promised to provide assistance to the Philippines in the South China Sea and Japan in the East China Sea. Military dangers in these two areas are escalating,” Kuznik emphasized.

Kuznik added that visits by leaders of Japan and the Philippines to the United States will increase tensions and are a futile attempt to contain China.


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