Swalwell: Republicans‘Siding with theKillers’ in Mass Shootings

Representative Eric Swalwell (D-CA) said Wednesday on MSNBC’s “Deadline” that Republicans were “siding with the killers” in mass shootings.
Swalwell said, “I just got out of a Judiciary Committee hearing, Nicolle, where the Republicans ironically called in the FBI for non-subpoenaed compliance. This is the committee run by Jim Jordan.”
He continued, “Most importantly, this was the first hearing since Nashville, so every Republican on that committee, when they go home this weekend and face their voters, they will ask them what did you do on the only committee that has jurisdiction over gun safety? They’re going to tell them we sided with Donald Trump over your kids. What’s so maddening about that answer is that everything we do in our daily lives, I’m living this right now, and you have kids. Everything we do focuses around protecting kids.”
He added, “If you have little kids, they can’t open the cabinets, they can’t go up the stairs, you have gates, they can’t open any prescription drugs, you keep any bleach or laundry detergent or Tide pods away from them. When you put them in a car, you put them in a car seat. You buckle them up. Everything we do is designed to protect them because they’re the most precious people in our community, the most innocent people in our community, except we don’t protect them from the one thing that’s killing them more than anything else, and that’s gun violence. That’s what is so maddening. If we had Republican allies here, we could protect the children from what’s killing them the most.”
Swalwell concluded, “So you, as a Republican, I think by your negligence in not protecting them, you can either side with the kids and protect them, or we’re going to say you’re siding with the killers because there’s really no other way to describe who’s benefiting from your absolute inaction.”


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