US Only Nation That Could Have Bombed Nord Stream, Ex-Senator Says

Former Virginia State Senator Richard Black told Sputnik that the United States is the only country that could have blown up the Nord Stream pipelines last year, as he commented on the latest report by the New York Times.
“The day after the blasts, I commented publicly that the U.S. was the only nation that could have carried this out,” Black said when asked to comment on the report. “Even a child could see it wasn’t Russia and no NATO country would dare act without U.S. approval, since the U.S. leads and dominates NATO.”
Earlier on Tuesday, the New York Times reported that US officials said intelligence indicated a pro-Ukrainian group was behind the attacks on the Nord Stream pipelines last year. The saboteurs were most likely Ukrainian or Russian nationals, the report also said, adding that no US or UK nationals were involved.
The New York Times’ report comes on the heels of a report by Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh detailing the US’s alleged involvement in the destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines, which provided a substantial amount of gas to Germany.
“There’s no question Seymour’s article is accurate,” Black said. “Seymour Hersh is the most respected investigative journalist on international affairs. I don’t agree with him on everything, but his investigative reports are thorough and objective.”
The Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines, built to deliver gas under the Baltic Sea from Russia to Germany, have been inoperable since they were hit by explosions last September. Nord Stream’s operator, Nord Stream AG, said that the damage was unprecedented and it was impossible to estimate the time repairs might take.
Russia considers the explosions of the two pipelines an act of international terrorism. There are no official results of the investigation yet, but Hersh wrote that the explosions were organized by the United States with the support of Norway. Following Hersh’s report, Moscow has reiterated its calls for an impartial and thorough investigation. The US denies its involvement in the incident.


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