Ride-hailing drivers called out for salary increase to go on strike today without carrying passengers at LaGuardia Airport for 12 consecutive hours

The online car-hailing drivers of the New York Taxi Workers Alliance (New York Taxi Workers Alliance) union started at 12 noon today (26th) and went on strike for 12 consecutive hours . They will refuse orders from LaGuardia Airport; In addition, a cordon will be set up outside the airport to block the passage area of ​​other cars and taxis to show the importance of their work in the daily life of New Yorkers, and to protest the judge’s call to stop the wage increase plan for online car-hailing drivers.
The Municipal Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC) approved a wage increase plan in November last year, planning to increase the wages of online taxi drivers by 7.8% per minute, originally scheduled to take effect on December 19; Monthly spending on ride-hailing platforms will increase by 21 million yuan to 23 million yuan, and the cost borne by passengers will increase by 10%.
However, the online car-hailing company Uber (Uber) subsequently filed a lawsuit, arguing that the wage increase was too large, and then the Manhattan Superior Court judge ordered to suspend the implementation of the new regulations; Strike, this strike is the third protest action.
The judge ruled last month that while drivers deserved a raise, TLC’s price increase package “failed to include a single mathematical process” to explain how the increase was arrived at; , should give a clear calculation process.
“Drivers are tired of low pay and Uber keeps trying to appeal to the city,” said Bhairavi Desai, chief operating officer of the Taxi Drivers Union, which represents the city’s 21,000 yellow, green, black, and ride-hailing drivers. Stealing the original driver’s wages.”
However, an Uber spokesperson said that drivers had already received their third pay raise in as many years; Drivers’ earnings have risen 41.7% since 2018, Uber’s cut has fallen to around 16%, and government taxes and fees have surged to account for 18% of the average rider’s payment.”
Wang Wengong, a Chinese driver who participated in the strike action, said that the rent in New York City keeps rising, and a small salary increase is not enough to maintain life. If the driver goes on strike to resist the company, Uber will force the suspended driver to use its program without giving any reason.
Wang Wengong said: “Many immigrants make a living by driving online car-hailing vehicles. This is a fierce battle with the technology giants, but the drivers are determined not to be skinned and skinned.”



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