Russia Makes Demarche to US Ambassador Over Washington’s Growing Involvement in Ukraine Conflict

Since the start of the Russian special op in Ukraine, the United States has poured billions into the Ukrainian armed forces, supplying vast amounts of military equipment and intel data to Kiev while claiming that Washington is not part of the conflict.
On Tuesday, the Russian Foreign Ministry summoned the US ambassador to Moscow, Lynne M Tracy, because of Washington’s growing involvement in the Ukraine crisis.
“The head of the American diplomatic mission, summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry, was presented with a demarche on 21 February in connection with the growing involvement of the United States in hostilities on the side of the Kiev regime”, the document posted on the website of the Russian Foreign Ministry says.
Moscow stressed that the US should withdraw American and NATO military from Ukraine.
Furthermore, the ministry said in a statement that the American side should not interfere in the investigation into the Nord Stream pipeline blast.
“Russia emphasized that the United States should confine itself to giving explanations about the explosions on the Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines and not interfere with an impartial investigation to identify those responsible,” the ministry said in a statement.
The statement came after Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered his annual address to the Federal Assembly. The Russian leader said that the Western countries instigated the war in Ukraine, and proceeded to add fuel to the fire by spending $150Bln on military aid to Kiev.
Putin noted that over the past few years Moscow has tried to resolve the Ukrainian crisis peacefully, whereas the US and its allies have pumped Kiev with weapons and trained Ukrainian troops, preparing for a big conflict, as the West’s goal has been to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia.


Tags:Russia, US, Ukraine crisis

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