American reporter Hersh: The United States blew up the “North Stream” to prevent Germany from continuing to use the pipeline

Russian Satellite News Agency, New York, American reporter Hersh said in an interview with the portal that the United States blew up the “North Stream” pipeline because it was worried that Germany would agree to open the gas lock when the severe winter came.
“Here’s what Biden said: I have a big war with Ukraine. It’s going to look bad. I need to make sure I’m going to have support from Germany and Western Europe,” Hersh said.
He believes that Biden realizes that winter is coming, “and it will be difficult.” “Biden doesn’t want to hear the Germans say, ‘We quit because it’s going to be a bloodbath without fuel, our economy is going to collapse, we quit, we open the gas taps,'” Hersh noted. Germany can do Arrived, and then, Biden ‘zeroed’ that possibility.”
Hersh said that after the “Beixi-1” pipeline was put into use, the United States has been talking about the threat of Russian natural gas and cheap energy to Europe. “The United States has always believed that Europe tends to trade with Russia, which is dangerous. We have always wanted to isolate Russia, which has been the theme of the last few decades. Our concern is that Europe will avoid war,” Hersh said.
The reporter is convinced that for Europe, the consequences of the explosion of the “North Stream” pipeline are extremely serious. “Essentially, they can only rely on the United States, even in times of crisis,” he said.
“I know people who are paying 5 times their electricity bills and 3-4 times their gas bills,” Hersh said.
Hersh believes that for the United States, the political impact will be huge. He pointed out that in the long run, it is not ruled out that a certain country may withdraw from NATO.
On September 26, the two pipelines “Beixi-1” and “Beixi-2” that Russia exports natural gas to Europe encountered terrorist attacks at the same time. Germany, Denmark and Sweden do not rule out targeted sabotage. Nord Stream AG, the operator of the “North Stream” natural gas pipeline, stated that the emergency situation of the two natural gas pipelines is unprecedented and cannot estimate the repair time.
On October 31, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that Gazprom was allowed to inspect the “Beixi” explosion site, and the company’s president Miller reported the investigation to him. Putin also stated that the explosion of the “North Stream” natural gas pipeline was obviously a terrorist attack.


Tags:American Journalist, Nord Stream

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