Growing dissatisfaction among Americans over rising immigration

As immigration to the United States increases, Americans’ satisfaction with the people who come to the country decreases. This is confirmed by a recently published Gallup poll, which explains that the level of satisfaction with immigration has dropped considerably.
Only 28% of U.S. respondents are satisfied with this phenomenon, while 63% are not, the report said. Backing up this data is the 41% level of liking with immigration that was achieved in 2018, when Donald Trump ramped up his anti-migrant policy.
Gallup also indicated that every January it measures Americans’ level of satisfaction on various issues, where immigration is included. From 2001 to 2016 this issue gathered the lowest points in the polls.
How do the statistics behave on the issue?
For their part, 64% of the dissatisfied respondents, intend that immigration in their country should be reduced. In other words, the percentage of those who are dissatisfied and want immigration to decrease has risen from 19% to 40%. All this since 2021, just as President Joe Biden’s term in office began.
But, the figure is not as alarming as it was in the first few years after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Back then the level of discontent was between 44% and 52%; the current one is only the highest since 2016. This is confirmed by the survey conducted by Gallup.
The study also recorded the difference of opinions that people have about immigration. For this purpose, the political orientation of the surveyed participants was taken into account.
The distribution was as follows: 71% of Republican respondents are dissatisfied with immigration. While 81% of Democrats agree with the immigration phenomenon and 64% of independent voters also agree.



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