The outbreak of bird flu in the United States continues: nearly 60 million poultry are affected and wild birds are infected in 50 states

According to a report by the American Broadcasting Corporation on February 9, the outbreak of bird flu in the United States continues, which has affected nearly 60 million poultry and can also infect mammals such as bears and dolphins.
Nicola Hill, a virologist at the University of Massachusetts Boston, said the scale, range and number of species affected by bird flu are unprecedented. At present, the deadliest bird flu in the history of the United States has affected nearly 60 million poultry, and wild birds have been infected in all 50 states of the United States. “I’ve never seen an infection like this in so many different wild species,” Hill said. That’s not how the flu should be.”
Most disturbing of all, the bird flu virus appears to have spread among minks on a mink farm, and not just from birds to individual minks. This spread between mammals is new. “We’ve never seen anything like this before,” Hill said. There’s no indication yet that the virus is capable of spreading from person to person, but experts are watching bird flu outbreaks closely.


Tags:Avian influenza

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