Los Angeles bus brawls are frequent and chaotic

The Los Angeles public transit system has been criticized for safety issues. There was frequent chaos on the subway , there were terrible fights, and there was also a “live erotic palace”. The law and order situation on the bus was also unsatisfactory. A Chinese elder said that he often encountered mentally disturbed passengers on the bus, and warned not to bring ostentatious jewelry on the bus, let alone take the bus in remote areas.
Like the Los Angeles subway, there are many videos and PO articles about the bus chaos in Los Angeles on the Internet. On January 9, 2023, two women had a fierce quarrel on the bus, and the scene was very hot. The quarrel was not too outrageous. Some people even recorded two African-American women disregarding the persuasion of another white passenger, and directly staged a full-scale martial arts act when they disagreed with each other, scaring nearby passengers to avoid it.
Like the subway, Los Angeles buses also have passengers defecating in public. On January 20, 2023, some people photographed suspected homeless people defecating on the bus. The person wrote that on the G-line bus, he saw homeless people getting bigger on the seats, and there was a disgusting smell coming out.
Some people of Asian descent pointed out that they were abused by African-American passengers on the bus and contained discriminatory words. The Asian resident wrote that the woman also tried to attack him and her mother with pepper spray. However, the Asian passenger did not write clearly why the conflict occurred between the two parties.
In cities where Chinese people gather, buses are the main means of transportation for many Chinese elders. A Chinese man who lives in Monterey Park returned home on the morning of January 26 by bus No. 70. He said that he has been in the United States for 40 years and has a car himself, but in order to save money on gas, he chooses to take the bus. That day he took the bus to buy flowers. When asked whether it was safe on the bus, the uncle said that this area is relatively safe, but don’t go to unsafe areas or remote areas to take the bus; don’t wear any jewelry, don’t hold Mobile phone, so as not to cause others to rob malicious. In addition, it is best to take the bus during the day and not at night. He also said that he often meets passengers with mental problems, but he has not encountered any fights.
But the Los Angeles bus system is not without merit. Through personal rides, I found that the bus runs every five to seven minutes on average, and the waiting time is relatively short. The fare for a single ride is 1.5 yuan per person, which is relatively cheap. If there is no change, the driver also carries a bus card with him, which can be purchased by passengers and recharged to keep the balance. The driver is friendly and considerate in service.
In Montenegro, the main bus passengers are Hispanics and Asians. There are quite a few elders of Chinese origin going up and down, which shows that they cannot do without the bus.
In 2022, the Los Angeles bus, which was scandalized by passengers and caused many disturbances, decided to make drastic reforms in 2022. The operator decided to completely renovate and renovate based on cleanliness, hardware equipment, and additional personnel.
The funding for public security measures in 2022 alone will increase by about 12.5%. In fiscal year 2023, the funding for improving the ride experience will be as high as 8.8 billion yuan. It is expected to increase the number of station management personnel, cleaning personnel, and additional police emergency contact kiosks. It also includes the addition of crisis response counseling courses to ensure that each station staff can respond immediately when encountering mentally disabled passengers or homeless people. All seats in the vehicle are also replaced with leather seats.


Tags:Los Angeles, Asians

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