In 2023, the United States has 39 mass shootings, 70 dead and 167 injured

In just 24 days since 2023, there have been at least 39 mass shootings across the United States; statistics from the non-profit research organization “Gun Violence Archive” (Gun Violence Archive) show that at least 70 people were killed and injured in mass shootings The number of people was 167; on average, more than one accident happened every day, equivalent to three people were killed and nearly seven people were injured every day.
NBC News reported that there are frequent shootings and massacres in the United States. In recent years, shootings have been described as an “American disease”; Lankford, a criminologist at the University of Alabama, Adam Lankford told The New York Times that the ease of gun acquisition and the copycat effect are the main reasons why mass shootings have become rampant in the United States.
According to statistics, since the beginning of the year, the deadliest shooting in the United States was the indiscriminate gunman shooting at the “Star Dance” (Star Dance) dance school in Monterey Park, California , on the 21st New Year’s Eve. A total of 11 people were killed and 72 people were killed. The gunman later shot himself.
In the 48 hours after the shooting at the dance classroom in Monterey Park, there was another shooting at a farm in Half Moon Bay (Half Moon Bay), a coastal city in San Mateo County, California, less than 400 miles away. At least seven people were shot. killed, one seriously injured. The 66-year-old gunman was arrested on the afternoon of the 23rd.
According to reports from the New York Times and NBC News, the “Gun Violence File” compiled data, and only 24 days have passed since the beginning of the New Year in 2023. There have been 39 mass shootings across the United States, and the number of cases is more than the number of days since the New Year. ; a mass shooting is defined as the death of at least four victims in a single incident, excluding the shooter.
The number of mass shootings in January 2023 far exceeds the number of January cases in the past 10 years. Congress will pass the largest federal gun control bill in 30 years in 2022, including strengthening background checks for gun buyers and encouraging states to pass “red flag laws” that warn suspicious individuals.
After the recent wave of mass shootings, there has been a resurgence of public opinion calling for the federal government to further strengthen gun control. State gun control laws in states including California face a test in the Supreme Court. Some state gun control proposals have been rejected by the Supreme Court one after another, such as prohibiting the purchase of large-capacity magazines.
Since the beginning of the year, there have been reports of mass shootings across the country, including near a youth center in Allentown, Pennsylvania; a Subway branch in Durham, North Carolina; Behind a brewpub in Oklahoma City and outside a strip club in Columbus, Ohio. Separate celebrations in two Florida cities ended with mass shootings.


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