Why does so much of Gen-Z hate America? Here’s why we can’t give up on them

In previous generations, the rebellious youth were always a topic of consternation for the old folks. They don’t listen! They drive too fast and talk too loud. They wear funny clothes and don’t respect their teachers.
But something has changed in the last few years that should have the older generations far more worried than they would have been in the past.
A recent Morning Consult poll found that only 16 percent of Gen Z’ers are proud to live in the United States. Millennials were only somewhat saner at 36 percent.
These numbers should set off alarm bells. In the last ten years, there has been a sharp decline in national pride. It is not an accident. It’s a deliberate attempt by the left to destroy American patriotism and replace it with their ideology. In 2013, 85 percent of Americans said “extremely or very” proud to be American. Today that number is 63 percent. It wasn’t until 2016 that that number ever dipped below 80 percent, sometimes being in the high 80s and 90s. That’s a collapse.
This is not an accident. The indoctrination happening in our schools have resulted in this kind of opinion among the young.
The numbers show a complete lack of knowledge of the rest of the world. What the kids are learning in school in the U.S. is that the freest country in the history of humanity, the country that has set the example for democracy and for freedom and has been a beacon of hope to people all over the world is meh, not that great.
The kind of privilege that it takes to hold that opinion is mind-boggling. It means this person was taught to believe that the immense advantages that they have through the sheer luck of being American are not that important. They do not know the struggle people across the world still go through to be free or how desperately people want to be Americans. The haters were taught to take for granted the freedom and liberty that is their birthright.
In the last few years the left has successfully taken over curriculums in public schools across the country. They push the idea that America is just not that great. They force the 1619 Project onto curriculums. They remove discussion of the founding fathers or of American history in general. All education is geared at the idea that America is a terrible place.


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