American Academy of Pediatrics shredded for pushing surgery to fight childhood obesity: ‘Questionable at best’

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) released new guidelines recommending drastic medical solutions to childhood obesity and the internet was not impressed.
The guideline for “Evaluation and Treatment of Children and Adolescents With Obesity” discussed treating obesity with a variety of methods, some of which have stirred controversy.
The document mentioned obesity related interventions that “could involve any approach, including screening, counseling, medically managed weight loss, pharmaceutical treatment, or surgery.”
While some critics of the document focus on the recommendation of pharmaceutical medication and surgery, the guidelines don’t neglect to mention the need for “nutrition, physical activity, and health behavior change.”
A CBS news article headlined “Consider drugs and surgery early for obesity in kids, new guidelines say: ‘Waiting doesn’t work’” caused an eruption across Twitter.
Radiologist and National Review contributor Pradheep Shanker said, “This really is questionable at best.”


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