What Spygate Tells Us About The Google, Facebook, And Twitter Files

A Big Tech lawsuit and ‘The Twitter Files’ are showing Democrats used the same process against Trump in 2020 that they falsely claimed he had used to win in 2016.
Cross-referencing new information from “The Twitter Files” and a state attorneys general lawsuit against Big Tech with what we know about Spygate from years of investigations reinforces and enlarges shocking conclusions about the corruption of American government. Those two illuminate further how the U.S. bureaucracy interferes in elections, in these cases by pushing communications monopolies to shut down discourse that undermines the administrative state.
Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry’s latest is evidence demonstrating the federal government’s use of Big Tech communications monopolies to censor its critics was not at all limited to Twitter. He posted an email showing the Biden White House asking Facebook to shut down Tucker Carlson’s speech on its platform, and a Facebook employee apparently complying within just a few hours.
Newly elected Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey posted screenshots of White House staffers demanding similar censorship from Google’s YouTube. The emails also showed Google employees confirming to the White House that they are algorithmically killing the reach of speech that displeases Democrats on YouTube.
There will be plenty of points of crossover between these developing investigations and the Crossfire Hurricane operation that began in 2015 among U.S. intelligence agencies to deny voters the fruits of electing Donald Trump. One immediately apparent is that the attorneys general Big Tech lawsuit and “Twitter Files” evidence are showing Democrats used the same process against Trump in 2020 that they falsely claimed he used to win in 2016.
Even before the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton and other Democrat operatives planted the media narrative that Trump was “colluding with Russia to steal the election.” When Trump upset everyone’s expectations by winning, the losers turned to the planted Russia narrative to pull victory from the jaws of defeat. They falsely claimed Trump was a traitor, a Manchurian candidate: that he had betrayed his country to get Russian help to win the U.S. presidency.
All the so-called evidence for this lie, laundered through U.S. intelligence agencies and media entities we now know function as intelligence agency propaganda megaphones, was completely fabricated. It was fake. The whole Russian collusion charge was a frame, a setup, a big lie.


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