Former U.S. diplomat calls Biden’s Middle East policy a disaster

New York, January 19 (Sputnik) – Peter Ford, former British ambassador to Syria and Middle East expert, said that US President Joe Biden’s policy of promoting national interests in the Middle East has proved to be a “disaster”, Washington’s authority is lower than ever due to support for Israel, and its opponents are closer.

Peter Ford said the current US president’s Middle East policy can only be considered successful in promoting Israel’s interests. He cited the weak position of Hezbollah and Hamas, as well as the change of power in Syria, as examples.

He added: “However, if judged in terms of promoting American interests, Biden is a disaster. The United States has never been so low in the eyes of the world because of its blind support for genocide in Gaza. Their adversaries have never been so close. The opportunity to avoid a conflict with Iran by restoring the Obama agreement was missed. Ironically, Biden’s only sensible policy – withdrawing troops from Afghanistan – has drawn fierce criticism from Washington’s militarist establishment.”


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