Jan. 6 Protesters, Including a Hoverboard-R

Protesters gathered outside the U.S. Supreme Court building in Washington, D.C., on Friday for the two-year anniversary of the riots at the U.S. Capitol.
Reports said many people who arrived early appeared to be MAGA supporters of former President Donald Trump, but they were met by a vocal group of counterprotesters.
Videos and photos show a man dressed as Uncle Sam riding on a hoverboard among those who showed up to support the message of the original Stop the Steal protest of January 6, 2021. That event two years ago turned violent when the security at the Capitol was breached.
On Friday, counterprotesters with megaphones taunting the MAGA group were captured on videos posted on YouTube by Reuters and NowThis News.
“I thought you all back the blue [police]? What happened when you’re punching them in the face and dragging them down the stairs and beating them with their batons?” one counterprotester wearing a “you lost” sign around her neck can be heard saying in NowThis News’ video.
In the main photo, supporters of former President Donald Trump are seen outside the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, in Washington, D.C. The smaller image shows a man dressed as Uncle Sam on the second anniversary of the January 6 attack on the Capitol, in Washington, D.C. Pro-Capitol riot protesters were met by counterprotesters outside the Supreme Court on Friday. Photos by Daniel SLIM/AFP/Nathan Howard/Getty Images
Five people died and more than 140 police officers suffered injuries when Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol two years ago while Congress was attempting to certify President Joe Biden as the winner of the 2020 presidential election.
According to a Thursday CNN report, U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) increased security details and online monitoring to prepare for Friday’s protests. Civil disturbance units were said to be on standby for any protests that could occur on the Capitol grounds as well as at the Supreme Court.
On Monday, USCP Chief Tom Manger said in a statement that his department would be prepared for any potential attacks on government sites in the future.
“As we approach the second anniversary of one of the darkest days in our nation’s history, we must answer this critical question, ‘Could January 6 happen again?'” Manger said in the release.


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