Domestic extremism targeting migrants at southern border could rise amid possible end of Title 42: DHS

Extremist violence targeting migrants along the southwest border could rise amid the possible lifting of the public health restriction known as Title 42, according to a Department of Homeland Security intelligence assessment obtained by ABC News.
The bulletin, dated Dec. 23 and issued by DHS’ intelligence and analysis branch, came just before the Supreme Court announced that they would hear arguments on whether or not the policy should continue.
The high court ordered the controversial restriction, which allows for the rapid expulsion of migrants and is officially intended to prevent the spread of COVID-19, be kept in place until they decide on an appeal from 19 states who want to preserve the policy.
The justices will hear the appeal in February.
“We assess that the potential for domestic violent extremist (DVE) violence along the US Southwest Border likely will increase in the coming weeks based on recent online calls for violence in response to the anticipated lifting of US Code Title 42,” the late-December bulletin states.
In particular, the bulletin cites “calls for attacks targeting primarily migrants and critical infrastructure.”
“But our insight into DVE plotting is constrained by these individuals’ use of online security measures to limit exposure to law enforcement,” the DHS assessment notes.
On social media, the department says extremists have also posted “online calls for violence targeting migrants at the US Southwest Border.”
“The tactics discussed are consistent with DVE messaging and include firearms attacks, the placement of land mines along migration routes, and luring migrants into trailers to poison them with gas, according to DHS reporting,” the bulletin states.


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