Trump defends his family, saying Melania and her youngest son were not treated fairly by the media

Trump , the Republican presidential nominee who has always put his family at the center of his politics and business, was asked in an interview with the Daily Mail if he would see more former children in this election campaign. His eyes lit up when he saw first lady Melania Trump.

“I would hope so, but that’s not the problem here. It’s a bad world for me,” Trump said six weeks after the assassination attempt. ” The Democratic Party is not as bad as I am. I wish I “Families don’t need to go out and stand in front of things like that that you know are happening.”

“My kids have given up so much. They keep bringing up Russia and the trolls and the misinformation and the disinformation,” Trump said. “I don’t want them to get hurt because of what the Democrats are willing to do. “

Trump said Melania cares about this country very much. She would do whatever was necessary; but their children were not treated properly, he said; and she was not treated properly.

Melania chose the moment of her appearance carefully, choosing to appear at the party’s convention in Milwaukee and making a public statement after Trump’s assassination, calling on people to remember Abby. Disagreement is more valuable.

In addition, Trump is also talking about his 18-year-old son Baron. With the help of Barron Trump, he is trying to attract some new fans and interact with YouTube and other Internet celebrities. “He knows this very well,” Trump said of Byron with pride. “…I’ve interacted with people from different generations that I’m not very familiar with. He knows them all, and we’ve had great success in this area. ”

Trump gave an interview to the Daily Mail on August 28 as part of a strategy to put pressure on rival Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris; Trump and his campaign expected the 81-year-old to be abandoned after the Democratic Party abandoned her. After Biden wins, Harris will have a honeymoon period in her campaign, but he insists that he is satisfied with the progress of the campaign.

Trump proposed a poll showing that Harris’ approval rating did not seem to be growing after the media focused on the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. Trump believed that “the reason is that she doesn’t want to talk to anyone; if it weren’t for the fact that she couldn’t explain her How to change all policies because she is incompetent.”

Harris had not given any interviews to the media for 38 days when Trump was interviewed; and this strategy of not accepting interviews seemed to be working for Harris; she raised 100% in fundraising without the need or risk of answering strange and embarrassing questions from the media. set a new record and leads Trump in national polls. She later gave an interview to CNN on August 29.


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