Illegal alien, ordered deported in 2022, charged with murder

The illegal alien was never deported because he may have been a low priority for ICE

An illegal immigrant has been charged with murder after assailants went on a shooting spree in Charlotte, North Carolina. Carlos Roberto-Diaz was reportedly ordered deported in 2022 but continued to reside in the country illegally.

The Post Millenial reported that “Roberto-Diaz, 18, was one of two suspects arrested after the shooting.”

“Roberto-Diaz has been charged with first-degree murder, felony conspiracy to commit murder, assault with a deadly weapon, five counts of attempted murder, and two counts each of shooting into an occupied vehicle and a dwelling,” The Post Millenial reported.

Jamilah Espinosa, a local immigration attorney, told the local news that Roberto-Diaz was likely a low priority for ICE removal if he had no criminal history.


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