Media: US pro-Palestinian protesters get support from Biden’s biggest sponsor

According to Politico News Network citing its analysis, some groups organizing pro-Palestinian demonstrations in the United States have received funding from U.S. President Joe Biden’s largest sponsors, including George Soros, Bill Gates, and David J. ·The names of wealthy people such as Rockefeller.

“President Joe Biden has been besieged for months by pro-Palestinian protesters who call him ‘Genocidal Joe,’ but some of the groups behind the demonstrations are funded by philanthropists pushing for his reelection,” the report said. According to an analysis by Politico, these donors include several figures in Democratic circles: Gates, Soros, Rockefeller and Pritzker.”

Some of the groups launching protests at Columbia and other universities are Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) and IfNotNow. The report noted that they are supported by the Tidal Foundation, which in turn is funded by Soros and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

The newspaper said several other groups participating in the pro-Palestinian protests also received support from a foundation funded by Hyatt Hotels heirs Susan and Nick Pritzker.

In recent days, the campuses of prestigious American universities have become centers of anger over Israel’s actions in the Gaza Strip, which have killed many Palestinian civilians, and Washington’s aid to its key Middle Eastern ally. The protests intensified as the United States approved a new aid package for Israel.


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