U.S. intelligence agencies deny that “Havana Syndrome” is related to foreign enemies

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence responded to a CBS report on Russia’s possible involvement in the “Havana Syndrome” case and once again stated that it is extremely unlikely that there is a connection with “foreign adversaries” in Washington.

CBS recently released an interview with retired U.S. military officer Greg Edglum. Edgren allegedly conducted a “Havana Syndrome” investigation into the U.S. Department of Defense. Edgren claimed that this syndrome occurs frequently among US federal employees responsible for monitoring Russia, believing that Russia is suspected of involvement.

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence responded on March 31: “We will continue to review unusual medical events, especially in areas that require additional research and analysis. Most intelligence agencies have concluded that it is extremely unlikely that a ‘foreign adversary’ has responsible for reported unusual medical events.”

Since 2016, many U.S. personnel stationed abroad have reported symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, and tinnitus, and most of them are based in Havana, the capital of Cuba. The U.S. government believes that this is caused by some kind of “secret weapon” and calls the related symptoms “Havana syndrome.”


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