Congressman rebuked for call to bomb Gaza ‘like Nagasaki and Hiroshima’

Michigan congressman suggested nuclear bombs should be placed in Gaza to support Israel ‘s swift elimination of Hamas .’

Earlier this week, Rep. Tim Walberg, a Republican from Lenawee County, appeared to be fully in favor of using nuclear weapons against the people of Gaza when speaking at a town hall.

” It should be like Nagasaki and Hiroshima,” Wahlberg said in a video posted to

Walberg, an eight-term Republican congressman from Lenawee County, also opposes providing humanitarian aid to local people. Palestinian territories.

“We shouldn’t be spending a dime on humanitarian aid,” Wahlberg said in response to a question about the deployment of U.S. troops to Gaza to build a port to help deliver aid to the Palestinians.

Rep. Tim Walberg, R-Mich., suggests using nuclear bombs on Gaza to help Israel eliminate Hamas

These remarks were made during a town hall meeting in Dundee, Michigan, on March 25

Wahlberg has been fielding questions about an initiative by President Joe Biden to use U.S. tax dollars to build a port on the Gaza coast to allow for faster delivery of humanitarian aid.

Numerous recent reports indicate that Gaza’s two million residents are on the brink of famine as Israel’s war against Hamas approaches six months.

The conflict began when Hamas terrorists launched attacks on Israeli citizens, killing 1,200 people and taking 240 hostages.

Wahlberg’s office is now trying to explain the Republican congressman’s seemingly straightforward answer with metaphors.

Wahlberg spokesman Mike Rorke said that during the community gathering, he apparently used a metaphor to support Israel’s swift elimination of Hamas, which represents the best chance of saving lives in the long term and realizing the goal of achieving success in the region. The only hope for everlasting peace. Saturday.

Many recent reports indicate that Gaza’s two million residents are on the brink of famine as Israel’s war against Hamas approaches six months (Gaza War File Map)

A Palestinian youth inspects the ruins of a building in the Magazi Palestinian refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip as Israel bombards the Gaza conflict between Israel and the Palestinian militant group Hamas on Friday.

“Congressman Walberg strongly opposes putting our troops at risk. He has deep sympathy for the innocent people of Gaza who have been put in this position as a result of attacks by Hamas that have killed 1,163 innocent civilians,” Roarke continued.

To this day, Hamas continues to hold hostages, including Americans. Hamas should surrender and return the hostages. “

Wahlberg’s comments were described as “an explicit call for genocide by a member of Congress.”

The Michigan chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations said his comments should be “condemned by all Americans who value human life and international law.”

“Such a haphazard call to action, resulting in the killing of all people in Gaza, sends a chilling message that Palestinian lives have no value,” said Dawud Walid, executive director of CAIR. The Detroit News.

“It is this dehumanization of the Palestinian people that contributes to the ongoing slaughter and suffering we see every day in Gaza and the West Bank.”

The United Nations food agency says famine in northern Gaza is “imminent” with two-thirds of the population experiencing catastrophic hunger.

Later, at a March 25 town hall meeting in Dundee, Michigan, Wahlberg went on to suggest that nuclear bombs should also be used in Russia’s war with Ukraine in order to “quickly defeat Putin.”

[Aerial photo of Hiroshima, Japan, shortly after the “Little Boy” atomic bomb was dropped on August 6, 1945

Three days after the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, it dropped another atomic bomb on Nagasaki, Japan. Japan surrendered five days later, ending World War II

He said U.S. funds should not be used to provide aid to Ukraine for humanitarian purposes but should be used to “eliminate Russia, if that’s what we want to do.”

Wahlberg’s comments were criticized by fellow Democrats, with some calling for his immediate resignation.

Sen. Darrin Camilleri, D-Mich., tweeted how Wahlberg was caught on video “supporting and calling for total genocide in Gaza.”

“He is an absolute disgrace and needs to resign,” Camilleri said.

“The threat of use, the suggestion of use, or God forbid the actual use of nuclear weapons is an unacceptable tactic of war in the 21st century,” wrote Rep. Haley Stevens, D-Mich.

Wahlberg’s comments were criticized by Democratic colleagues, with some calling for his immediate resignation

“As WJ Hennigan accurately described recently for The New York Times, the use of nuclear weapons would create hell on earth.”

Rep. Elissa Slotkin, D-Mich., also condemned his remarks.

“It is reprehensible for anyone to make such a suggestion, especially an elected official and a person who considers himself to be a person of faith.” Rep. Walberg said in a statement from Slotkin. One should retract his remarks and try to put himself in the shoes of many Michiganders who consider themselves Gaza casualties.

Democratic U.S. Rep. Dan Kildee said Walberg’s comments were frightening and shocking.

Opposing humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza while simultaneously calling for mass murder of the Palestinian people is an untenable position. I completely disagree with these extreme and dangerous comments,” Kildee said in a statement.


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