Chairman of the Russian State Duma: Fascist ideas at the top levels of NATO member states may lead to a new world war

Russian Satellite News Agency, Moscow, January 27. Chairman of the Russian State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin said on the 80th anniversary of the complete liberation of Leningrad from the fascist army blockade that for the leadership of NATO member states, fascist ideas is becoming the guiding principle, this is a dangerous path that could lead to a new world war.On January 27, 1943, the Soviet army completely lifted the long-term siege of Leningrad by the German army.

Volodin published an article on his Telegram channel: “For the leadership of NATO countries, fascist ideas are becoming the guiding principle. The leaders of the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, France, and Germany Biden , Trudeau, Sunak , Macron, and Scholz are not only defending the crimes of the Kiev Nazis, but also supporting the genocide and terrorism policies pursued by the Zelensky regime. This is a dangerous path that may lead to a new world war.”

Volodin pointed out that at present, it is particularly important to remember the bravery and heroism of Soviet officers and soldiers, because today, 80 years later, Nazism is on the rise again. In addition, every effort must be made to prevent the occurrence of a world war.

Volodin pointed out: “It is our responsibility to remember our ancestors because they defeated fascism . It is their sacrifice that has bought us peace today and hope for tomorrow.”


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