U.S. attack on Yemen prompts dozens of activists to protest in front of White House

Russian Satellite News Agency, Washington, January 12 (Xinhua) According to a reporter from the Russian Satellite News Agency, after the United States and Britain attacked the Houthi armed forces, some of the activists held a gathering protest.

The activists who gathered in front of Atlanta in the evening actively demanded that the United States stop the conflict in the Middle East. The call for a ceasefire in Gaza has been supplemented by an additional message: no interference in operations in Yemen.
Despite the late hour, activists chanted slogans and many raised Pakistani flag banners.
Reporters observed that there was no violence at the protests and there were police on site, but no one intervened.

Sources in Yemen told the Russian Sputnik News Agency that in the early morning of January 12, the United States and the United Kingdom carried out 23 air strikes on targets in four provinces in different parts of Yemen, including the capital Sanaa, Hodeidah, Taiz and Saada. The Pentagon confirmed to Sputnik News that the United States launched an attack on Houthi armed targets in Yemen in coordination with its partners. Details will be released gradually. The Houthis said they were launching counterattacks against US and British military bases and targets.

U.S. President Joe Biden said the crackdown was a response to threats to freedom by the Houthis and promised to take further action without hesitation. He also said that the Houthi armed forces have launched at least 27 attacks on commercial ships, resulting in more than 50 countries attacking commercial ships. On January 9, a campaign against a US warship launched the largest attack.


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