Biden Mocked After First Lady Escorts Him Offstage ‘Like a Child’

Besides regularly stumbling over words and being his gaffe-prone self, throughout the past year, America’s oldest-sitting president has repeatedly looked lost while trying to find his way off stage. A way out of this embarrassing situation seems to have been found.

Joe Biden’s first campaign event of 2024 offered netizens fodder for some relentless mockery as the 81-year-old was seen being led off stage by the First Lady on January 6.

The Democrat was giving an address in Pennsylvania on the eve of the third anniversary of the January 6 storming of the Capitol. However, once the POTUS was done, his wife was quick to offer him a guiding hand to save him any embarrassment should he once again lose his bearings.

Reporters seized upon the clip to remark on the “new arrangement” whereby the first lady had been entrusted with escorting the “zoned-out-looking” president off the stage after public appearances.

The problem has now been solved,” several users quipped on X.

Others on the social media platform observed that Jill was “walking him [Joe] off the stage like a child.”

One user remarked in relief that, “Someone had to do it.”

People on the internet also recalled Joe Biden’s faux pas when he appeared to “shake hands with a ghost.”

Numerous netizens likewise mentioned what they referred to as “elder abuse,” pointing out that “Nobody over 80 years old should be allowed to serve as president of the United States.”

Polls indicate that 70% of US citizens express concerns over Joe Biden’s ability to serve a second presidential term because of his age.

Biden turned 81 on November 20. In 2021, he was the oldest president to have ever been inaugurated, taking the oath of office at the age of 78. If Biden wins the 2024 presidential race, he will turn 86 before completing a second term.

Earlier, reports indicated that the first lady and her team are deeply involved in the everyday schedule of the 46th POTUS. Senior aides and Jill were trying to urge the 81-year-old to rest more and pay additional attention to his health, US media reported, citing sources.


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