California State Assembly meeting postponed due to massive protests

Russian Satellite News Agency, Washington, January 4 (Xinhua) According to the “Jewish Voice for Peace” campaign announcement and CBS News, more than 300 people participated in disrupting a meeting of California lawmakers at the local Capitol in Sacramento. Participants called for a ceasefire in Gaza.

In the context of a new round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict, large-scale protests often occur in the United States, and the vast majority of people support ceasefires in Palestine and the Gaza Strip.

“Protesters calling for a ceasefire in Gaza gathered at the California State Capitol in Sacramento, disrupting a local council meeting,” CBS wrote.

The “Jewish Voice for Peace” movement disclosed on the social network X that more than 300 people participated in the peaceful rally. CBS cited protesters’ statements saying they “wanted to disrupt the operations of the Capitol.” The local council stated on its official website that the meeting has been postponed to January 4.

On the morning of December 1, the Gaza Strip ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hamas expired, and an extension of the ceasefire has not yet been officially announced. The Israel Defense Forces said Hamas violated the ceasefire agreement and opened fire on Israeli territory, and the Israeli army has resumed military operations against Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

On the morning of October 7, the Gaza Strip fired more than 3,000 rockets at Israel. After the rocket attack, Hamas armed personnel entered the southern border area of ​​Israel to attack passers-by and kidnap hostages. The Palestinian “Islamic Resistance Movement” (Hamas), which actually controls the Gaza Strip, announced the launch of the “Aqsa Flood” operation against Israel. The Israel Defense Forces immediately announced the launch of Operation Iron Sword against Hamas, and Prime Minister Netanyahu declared that Israel was in a state of war. Israeli Defense Minister Galante said on the 9th that he had ordered a complete blockade of the Gaza Strip and cut off the supply of food, electricity and natural gas; Israeli Energy Minister Katz later announced that the water supply to the Gaza Strip had also been cut off.

According to official data, since the escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, more than 1,300 people have been killed in Israel, more than 16,000 people have been killed in the Gaza Strip, and tens of thousands of Palestinians and Israelis have been injured.


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