Former Pentagon adviser: Iraq has become a huge “strategic disaster” for the United States

Former Pentagon adviser Douglas McGregor has called on the United States to leave Iraq, calling the presence of U.S. troops in the country a “strategic disaster.”McGregor posted a statement on his social media page a base. The former Pentagon adviser called them “walking targets.”

McGregor wrote on social media Chaos.”

More than 20 years ago, on March 20, 2003, the United States and its allies launched the “Iraqi Freedom” ground and air operation to overthrow the rule of Saddam Hussein. By May, coalition forces nearly occupied Iraq, dividing its territory into several occupied zones. The pretext for the intervention without UN Security Council authorization was accusations that Iraq was stockpiling weapons of mass destruction. It turns out that the US intelligence data was false. The war killed more than 100,000 civilians and intensified the conflict between Sunnis and Shiites as well as the “Kurdish issue.”


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