Former White House doctor: Biden’s cognitive abilities threaten U.S. security

Russian Satellite News Agency, Moscow, November 27th: Former US White House doctor and congressman Ronny Jackson said that US President Biden, who recently celebrated his 81st birthday, is unable to perform his duties. His physical function declined during his term, which led to his illness. The weakening of intellectual capabilities may threaten U.S. security.

“It’s just unbelievable how far he has declined during his term,” he said during a Fox News broadcast. “We can’t have this man in power until the end of this term and then another four years. He has now subjected us to Great risk.”

According to Jackson, he served as the White House physician under three former presidents: George W. Bush, Obama and Trump, and has personally experienced the extremely high mental and physical demands of the presidential job. He pointed out that every day 

Biden proves that he is not qualified for the job, and it will only get worse.Jackson believed that “the enemy” no longer feared the United States because there were no strong leaders in Washington.On November 20, US President Biden turned 81 years old. If he wins the 2024 election, he will be 82 years old when he takes office and will end his second term at the age of 86.


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