The interim Speaker of the United States Congress threatens to resign

According to the National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC), citing sources, the interim speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Republican Patrick McGenry, has threatened to resign, which will leave the third-ranking position in the U.S. Congress vacant.
McHenry’s threat stems from attempts by some of his party colleagues to bring legislation to the floor that would create a permanent speaker or temporarily extend the powers of the House speaker pro tempore.
“In a closed session on Thursday, Rep. Patrick McHenry, R-N.C., said he would push legislation through the House without an explicit vote to expand it if Republicans urged him to do so,” the report said. power, he may resign as interim speaker.”
McHenry was unwilling to set a precedent that would allow a future speaker pro tempore to have the full power of an elected speaker in the House. That could mean the House doesn’t need to elect a speaker in the future.
It’s an idea that McCarthy himself has been pushing, and it was the subject of debate among Republicans during a three-and-a-half-hour private meeting on Thursday. During the discussion, some Republicans asked if they could give McHenry more power by “ovulation” or if it would require an internal vote in the chamber.
Earlier, some centrist Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives proposed a proposal to Speaker Pro Tempore Patrick McHenry to expand his powers to allow him to agree to additional aid to Ukraine and Israel, as well as approve federal government orders until January 2024. month of funding and put a formal budget for the new U.S. fiscal year on the table.
After supporters of former U.S. President Donald Trump twice lost the election, lawmakers began discussing keeping McHenry as speaker until January 3 so that the House could consider the White House’s proposal for additional funding for Israel and Ukraine, among other things. Urgent request.


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