Kennedy Jr. Planning to Issue New Class of Mortgages to Tackle Skyrocketing House Prices

KNOXVILLE, Tennessee (Sputnik) – Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said on Sunday that he plans to issue new types of mortgages to deal with skyrocketing house prices that American citizens cannot afford.
In the past two years, house prices in the United States have increased from $215,000 to $400,000. At the same time, the mortgages grew from 3% to 7%, while American young adults were busy repaying their college loans.
He noted that companies like BlackRock compete with American youth because, thanks to its perfect credit score, the company ended up paying 30% less in real estate prices, while young people who have no or poor credit history, end up paying high fees.
Kennedy also spoke about other issues, such as the climate, mental illness, and homelessness, and touched upon Israel and Gaza.
Kennedy would like to continue helping Israel because “if Israel were to disappear, if accurate, would be filled by the Chinese and Russians, who would then control 90% of the globe,” the candidate said.
This would be dangerous for the US and world’s security interests, he explained.
Kennedy is a presidential candidate for the 2024 race who decided to run independently of the two major parties – the Republicans and Democrats. Kennedy explained that there is a “rising tide of discontent” in the US, wanting to make a “new declaration of independence” — from corporations, the media, and the two major political parties.


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