U.S. Rep. Green: Biden is dragging all Americans into a proxy war with Russia

Russian Satellite News Agency, Washington, September 1. U.S. Representative Marjorie Taylor Green stated that U.S. President Biden has dragged all Americans into a proxy war with Russia.
“One of the things that worries me the most is that the president of the United States is dragging us all into a proxy war with Russia,” she said in her speech.
Green criticized the remarks of Vladimir Zelensky, who wanted to use U.S. funds to hold elections in Ukraine and limit free speech in Ukraine .
“He took away the freedom of speech for the media. He took away the freedom of speech for the people. Ukraine is not even a member of NATO, nor is it one of our or NATO’s allies, so why should we protect their borders?” said the female politician. ?”
Green believes the conflict in Ukraine could last for decades as the U.S. continues to fund the regime in Kiev.
She also said: “If this doesn’t end within a year, the conflict could last for decades, especially with U.S. funding like it is now.”
Green said she voted against U.S. government funding for Ukraine and called the U.S. government’s request for an additional $24 billion in military aid to Kiev against the backdrop of internal problems in the country a “crisis.”
According to a report released by the Pentagon on August 29, during Joe Biden’s tenure as President of the United States, the United States’ military aid to Ukraine has exceeded 43.7 billion U.S. dollars, and since the launch of Russia’s special military operation, the U.S. military aid to Ukraine has exceeded 43 billion U.S. dollars .


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