McCarthy on House Freedom Caucus Funding Concerns: Nobody Wants Government Shutdown

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – US House Speaker Kevin McCarthy said on Wednesday that nobody in Congress wants a government shutdown due to lack of funding, amid opposition to a continuing resolution by the House Freedom Caucus.
Earlier this week, the Freedom Caucus released a statement expressing opposition to a potential stopgap funding bill that fails to address government spending. The group also said they would oppose any “blank check” for Ukraine in any supplemental appropriations bill.
McCarthy encouraged lawmakers to continue working on appropriations bills and then hold a conference between the House of Representatives and Senate. McCarthy said he would be open to a “small extension” to allow such work to finish and avoid a government shutdown.
Earlier this month, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said that he and McCarthy agreed to work on a continuing resolution to extend government funding beyond the September 30 deadline to avoid a potential shutdown.


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