Now Economically Weaker Than Before: US Just Cannot Satisfy Ukraine’s Financial Hunger

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — The White House should focus on solving its domestic problems instead of providing Kiev with a new financial package, Kevin Roberts, the president of the US research institute Heritage Foundation, said during an appearance on American television.
“The US is now economically weaker than before. We simply cannot afford the current level of financial assistance to Ukraine. That is why I strongly oppose a new $24 billion financial assistance package,” he stressed.
Roberts also stressed the need for a more transparent mechanism to allocate assistance to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
This month, Biden asked Congress for $40 billion in additional spending, with more than half of that earmarked for Kiev.
Of the total, $13.1 billion is slated for direct military spending. In addition, Biden is seeking an additional $2.3 billion for Ukraine through the World Bank.
Western policymakers continue to insist that Ukraine must defeat Russia on the battlefield and continue to increase supplies of arms and military equipment. In response, the Kremlin stated that military assistance would not solve anything and would only “prolong the suffering of the Ukrainian people.”


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