Biden ‘has created largest child-trafficking ring in U.S. history’

A powerful, new Twitter video put out by Senate Republicans blames the Biden administration for 85,000 missing illegal migrant children and, in effect, creating “the largest child-trafficking ring in U.S. history.”
The short video contains several Capitol Hill remarks from Republican Senators connecting Biden to the hordes of missing children who are unaccounted for despite being placed with American sponsors. Above the video it states: “Over 85,000. That’s how many children are missing under Joe Biden. He has created the largest child trafficking ring in U.S. history.”
It piggybacks on the public’s renewed attention to one of the most horrific crises besetting the U.S. (and the world) – the sex trafficking of young children – brought about by the stunning success of a crowd-funded, “true life thriller,” the movie “Sound of Freedom.”
“Sound of Freedom” features “Passion of the Christ” star Jim Caviezel portraying the life of Tim Ballard, a special agent for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security tasked with arresting pedophiles and investigating “Internet Crimes Against Children,” or ICAC. Ballard becomes so committed to finding the sister of a little Honduran boy from sex traffickers, that he quits his job and risks his life to rescue her from the clutches of her exploiters in Columbia.
The movie has shocked Hollywood by grossing more than $40 million worldwide in the first six days after its July 4 opening, beating out some major Hollywood releases with far bigger budgets. That in turn has driven leftist media sites such as Jezebel to bash the film, as WND reported.
‘Conveyor belt of children forced through the system’
As music plays in the background, the Republican video plays portions of committee speeches by senators castigating the Biden administration for its role in the crisis of missing alien children. Senators are also shown visiting the border on truth-finding trips:
Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas: “President Biden does not care about the fate of 300,000-plus unaccompanied children that have been placed with sponsors in the United States since he became president.”
Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas: “We’re here today because the Biden administration has utterly failed. It has failed to secure the border, and it has encouraged parents to send their minor, alien children on a dangerous trip to the United States unaccompanied. And it’s failed to protect these children after they were let into the United States.”
Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C.: “There’s been a 357% increase regarding unaccompanied minors at our border. The policy choices of the Biden administration are creating an unending flow of children to this country.”
Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo.: “Its a conveyor belt of children being forced through the system, and what’s the priority of HHS? Just get ’em out as fast as we can. They go to factories, they go to slave labor. I’ve written to the FBI, and asked the FBI: Where are the 80,000-plus children this administration [has] lost? They don’t know!”
Cornyn: “The New York Times illustrated that senior Biden administration officials like Secretary of Health and Human Services [Xavier] Becerra knew – knew – about this and continued to move children out of [HHS] as fast as possible by loosening vetting requirements for [American] sponsors.”
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Sen. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn.: “I have not received a response from the secretary [Becerra] on what has happened to 85,000 children. The point is, Sec. Becerra needs to come before us.”
Sen. Thom Tillis. R-N.C.: “Every single person crossing the border now, if they want a good chance of surviving, [has] to pay a toll to the transnational criminal organizations. It was estimated that a year and a half ago, transnational criminal organizations were making $800 million a year in human trafficking.”
Cruz: “Even one child in the custody of human traffickers is horrific and wrong, but 127,000?! This administration – no wonder Sec. Becerra is too scared to sit there [and testify before Senate Judiciary Committee]. He should be embarrassed of that record.”
Retweeting the video, Sen. Bill Hagerty, R-Tenn., wrote: “President Joe Biden has turned our southern border into an endless turnstile of illegal immigration, and human and drug smugglers are taking advantage of it. … This is a heartbreaking humanitarian crisis beyond proportion”:
Like their counterparts in the Senate, House Republicans are furious that Biden officials are running from being held responsible for the crisis brought about by the president’s lax and pro-illegal-alien border polices. Fox News reported May 26 that GOP leaders of a key House oversight committee “are pushing for [HHS Secretary Becerra] to testify over the ongoing crisis at the southern border amid news reports of an increase in child migrant exploitation,” warning that they “may pursue ‘other avenues’ if he refuses.”
Some media reporting came from an unexpected place: the New York Times, which recently ran two large exposés (see HERE and HERE) on the child-migrant crisis caused by Biden’s open-border policies. Texas Republican Congressman Chip Roy laid into the hypocrisy of Democrats who pilloried Donald Trump with a false narrative of him placing child illegal migrants in “cages” (a program launched by Democrat President Barack Obama), even as they now avoid focusing on the current crisis.
The Times reported April 17: “The White House and federal agencies were repeatedly alerted to signs of children at risk. The warnings were ignored or missed.”
At a recent House hearing, Roy inserted the two New York Times articles into the record and quoted from one: “While HHS checks on all minors by calling them a month after they begin living with their sponsors, data obtained by the Times showed that over the last two years the agency could not reach more than 85,000 children overall. The agency lost immediate contact with a third of migrant children.”
“It’s not as cute as kids in cages is it?” Roy said. “The supposed cages that were put in place by Barack Obama that my colleagues on the other side of the aisle like to try to exploit.”
As WND reported, a new July 6 report by the Gatestone Institute, “America’s Darkest Secret’: Sex Trafficking, Child Abuse and the Biden Administration,” pulls together the politically inconvenient facts about the practical effects of Biden’s border policies, which overturned Trump’s efforts to protect the border.
“The criminal practice of trafficking and abusing hundreds of thousands of migrant children who cross the southern border is now, thanks to the open-border policy of the Biden Administration, apparently “normal” inside the U.S.,” it states.
“Currently, at least 85,000 children are believed to be missing,” states the report, linking to an April Center for Immigration Studies report titled, “Did Joe Biden Lose 85,000 Migrant Kids?”
“Many of those children are raped, used for forced labor, and forced to undertake brutal jobs ostensibly to ‘work off’ their debt by the criminal cartels who reportedly now control the Mexican side of the border and brought the children in,” the Gatestone Institute report states.


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