Supplying Cluster Munitions to Ukraine Will Make US Complicit in Death of Civilians – Moscow

The Pentagon announced the planned transfer of cluster munitions as part of a new $800 million military assistance package for Ukraine being assembled by the Joe Biden administration on Friday afternoon.
By deciding to provide cluster munitions to Ukraine, the US is becoming ‘complicit in the death of people’, Russia’s Foreign Ministry underscored.
The decision announced by the Pentagon on Friday was another “blatant” manifestation of the aggressive course against Russia, said Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova.
Moscow emphasized that by supplying the lethal munitions to the Kiev regime, Washington was seeking to prolong the Ukraine conflagration “until the last Ukrainian”. Ukraine’s promises to use the controversial cluster munitions “carefully” and “responsibly” are worthless, and Washington understands this full well, Zakharova stated.
“As it happens every time when more lethal US-NATO weapons systems are provided to Ukraine, civilians will be the ones to suffer,” the spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

US cluster bombs in Libya after bombardment by US aviation – Sputnik International, 1920, 08.07.2023
Sputnik Explains
Everything You Need to Know About Cluster Bombs US Will Send to Ukraine
Zakharova noted that previous history of the use of cluster munitions in the Middle East and other regions of the world shows that their submunitions elements can remain unexploded for a long time, detonating after hostilities have ended.
“By supplying cluster munitions, Washington will effectively be an accomplice in the mining of territory, and will fully share the responsibility for those who die from explosions, including Russian and Ukrainian children,” the official spokeswoman of the ministry added.
The international community must adequately respond to this effort of the US administration to “raise the stakes” in the conflict as much as possible, signifying an ever deeper involvement of the US and its allies in hostilities, Zakharova emphasized.
The Russian Foreign Ministry said the supply of cluster munitions to Kiev will not affect the course of Moscow’s special military operation in Ukraine. The official representative of the ministry called the transfer of cluster munitions “a gesture of desperation” against the backdrop of the failure of the much-publicized Ukrainian “counteroffensive”. The goals and objectives of the operation “will be fully achieved,” Maria Zakharova added.
US cluster bombs. – Sputnik International, 1920, 08.07.2023
Biden’s Cluster Munitions Transfer to Ukraine Ripped as ‘Terrible Mistake’ by Top Dems
20 hours ago
The Pentagon and the White House formally signed off on the delivery of controversial cluster munitions to Kiev as part of a new military aid package worth $800 millionon Friday.
Russian Ambassador in Washington Anatoly Antonov warned that the decision by the United States was a provocation that is pushing humankind closer to a new world war.


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