The Hunter Biden WhatsApp messages that make the Bidens the GOATs of corruption

The Bidens are in a class of their own when it comes to influence peddling

“The Bidens are the best at doing exactly what Chairman wants.” The latest WhatsApp message from Hunter Biden to a Chinese businessman may be the perfect epitaph for the entire Biden corruption scandal. Indeed, it may be the most accurate statement ever made by Hunter Biden. This is precisely what the Bidens are the best at: selling access and influence.

Years ago, I wrote how the Biden family has long distinguished itself in all things corrupt from nepotism to sweetheart deals to influence peddling. Bidens like Hunter’s uncle James have been repeatedly criticized for cashing in on claims of access to his brother.

In one column, I noted that “The Biden family has long been associated with influence peddling to the degree that they could add an access key to their family crest.” While this has long been the favorite form of corruption in Washington, the Bidens are in a class of their own.

The last week has shown just how good the Bidens are at this. I previously wrote that there appeared to be an effort in the works to implode the scandal. Not only was the Justice Department allowing the statute of limitations to run on some offenses, but they would likely cut a plea deal for a couple of misdemeanors without any jail time. That is precisely what they did with the help of an enabling media that has largely blacked out the corruption scandal.

Recently, political and media pundits have tried to excuse the raw influence peddling by dismissing messages as the ravings of a drug addict. However, the message to Gongwen (“Kevin”) Dong, a CEFC China Energy executive, is neither muddled nor manic. Indeed, it has all of the directness and clarity that the Bidens have denied to the American people:

“I’m tired of this Kevin,” Hunter said. “I can make $5 million in salary from any law firm in America. If you think it’s about money, it’s not. The Biden’s [sic] are the best at doing exactly what Chairman wants from this partnership. Please let’s not quibble over peanuts.”

The “peanuts” are an apt reference. The Bidens were promising a windfall for the Chinese in purchasing access. A few millions truly is a quibble in the great scheme of things.

Hunter was equally clear in these messages about what he was selling. In another WhatsApp message, he reportedly stated:

“I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled. Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight. And, Z, if I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang, or the chairman, I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction. I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father.”

If any further proof is needed of how good the Bidens really are at this, the Chinese reportedly sent the money after receiving that threat.

When President Biden was asked about whether he was involved in the message, he angrily yelled “No!” but offered nothing else. The Bidens are far more forthcoming with customers than they are voters. In this form of corruption, elections are a means for acquiring power, but the ends are sales of that influence. That is where real money is to be made.

The other measure of how good the Bidens are at this is found in the dozens of LLC corporations and bank accounts used to funnel money to Hunter and his associates. The labyrinth of transfers seem designed to evade detection and investigation. The recent allegations of bribery from a Ukrainian figure included reported references to how the Bidens created this complex system to shield payments — no payments were to go directly to Joe Biden.

Then there is the experience shown in the use of code names for Joe Biden. These emails include references to Joe Biden getting a 10 percent cut of one Chinese deal. It also shows Biden associates warning not to use Joe Biden’s name but to employ code names like “the Big Guy.”

This is why many people missed the point of Hunter Biden showing up after his criminal plea at a state dinner. It was shocking for many to see Hunter wining and dining with the Washington elite. However, that is precisely the point. It was a collective celebration for a city where influence peddling is a cottage industry. Despite overwhelming evidence of corruption, Hunter was back in circulation.

That is no minor league stuff. When it comes to corruption the Biden family is the 1961 Yankees and 1975 Reds combined. They are the GOATs of influence peddling and the rest is, well, peanuts.


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