Joe Biden – a soulless sociopath

Shame is the industrial counterpart of probable cause. It’s brought about by the self-awareness that some aspect of guilt or crime exists in one’s life. Shame is a boundary fencing that sets limits on inappropriate behavior in normal people. True sociopaths, however, suffer from no such limits regarding the godless lengths they will exceed in the blink of an eye as mercenary for themselves. This is the dictionary definition of “politician” and specifically a cognitively impaired, slobbering, dead-from-the-neck-up stuttering and stammering embarrassment like Joe Biden.

As efforts for the missing Titan submersible went from a search-and-rescue mission to a salvage mission, Biden was using the power of his office to purposely mislead the American public. The trickle-down effect of the unconscionable dishonesty further proves my point.

As reports that Titan was missing began, Biden’s lapdog media reported with an award-worthy pretense of sobriety.
Suddenly, banging sounds were heard coming from the submersible, Biden and his media reported. These reports were almost too good to be true. Had prayers been answered? It was estimated that there was just enough oxygen to last until Thursday; the reports of banging from inside the Titan were being reported Tuesday and Wednesday. American and the world dared to believe. At least some did at any rate. Others asked the question: “If they hear banging, why can’t they find the submersible?”
Then it was over. The salvage teams claimed to have found a debris field. The narrative turned again, although it was no less tautological.

Amidst it all was a Hitchcockian plot twist: Biden’s horrible son received a sweetheart deal from Biden’s Department of Justice that proved not only is there a multi-tier system of justice in America, but it’s a multi-tier system where fewer than a dozen are known to have the cache to benefit at the tier Biden just operated.
Hours after Hunter Biden’s deal was inked, it was revealed Joe Biden had been informed and was fully and completely aware that Titan has imploded within two hours of its launch Sunday morning. All on board had been killed. (For now I’ll say killed instead of murdered, but I digress).

There’s an old adage: You can see fire without smoke, but you don’t see smoke without a fire.

This story doesn’t stop with Biden’s benefiting from corruption that surpasses the role “Otis” Winfrey, who plays “Oprah” when in public (sardonic sarcasm intended), allegedly benefited from in shilling for Obama at the church of Jeremiah Wright Jr.

Arguably the most evil beneficiaries of this scam are also Biden and family. That’s because, even though the media were well aware of the agitprop there were pumping out, they took an example from the playbook of a vile old hag named Hillary Clinton and basically let their actions shout: “What does it matter?”

Tens upon tens of millions of dollars are poured into cable and network news outlets collectively by way of advertising around-the-clock and specifically during the prime-time gold hours throughout the day and evening.
The way the game is/was played is “No crisis should ever go to waste”; exploit it for all you are worth.

The money poured into the mainstream media, and the mainstream media laundered it through their banks and sent it bank to Democrats, specifically the Bidens, in the form of campaign donations, donations to Biden foundations and causes he and his crime family support. It’s as close to a perfect crime as one can get. And it works every time.

The only thing required is that the person in charge be a sociopath, i.e., that is be completely without care, concern or remorse for everyone you crap on and destroy in the pursuit of your gain. That renders one free of the capacity for shame or embarrassment.

It’s a con game with which Capitol Hill is fully aware, but has zero interest in ending – which is one of the chief reasons for the visceral hatred of President Trump. He will end it, along with the Chinese money pouring in through lobbyist fronts and foundation donations, etc.
What I’ve presented isn’t unprovable because it’s untrue; it goes unaddressed because if one talks, they wake up dead or they’re implicated and indicted in some other corruption they participated in or their close friend(s) are involved in.

It’s not that these people, specifically Biden and his family, aren’t guilty as sin for everything they’re accused and in many instances flagrantly guilty. It’s a question of who dares bring them to justice? This is another reason they hate President Trump as they do. They know: 1) He will drain the swamp, and 2) There’s nothing on him, or they wouldn’t be inventing mickey-mouse crimes.


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