Internal Revenue Service informant claims that senior officials have hindered efforts to prosecute Hunter Biden

On Thursday, congressional Republicans released interviews with two IRS informants who accused the Justice Department of giving Hunter Biden “preferential treatment” during his years of tax investigation in April.

Jason Smith, the chairman of the House Chairman of Ways and Means, took the testimony of the informant as evidence to prove that senior officials of the Biden administration had obstructed the investigation of Delaware federal prosecutor David Weiss. This sentiment contradicted the confirmation of the Trump appointer himself, that is, Merrick Garland, the Attorney General, granted him the “ultimate power” to investigate young Biden.

Hunter Biden agreed this week to admit two minor tax related crimes and sign a pre-trial diversion agreement, which will enable him to avoid being charged with serious gun crimes, thus potentially ending the Attorney General’s investigation for several years.

In hundreds of pages of testimony, two IRS informants claimed that senior officials of the Department of Justice had blocked prosecutors’ attempts to bring charges against Hunter Biden in Washington and California, and refused to grant Weiss the status of special adviser.

The informant also claimed that some investigators claimed that Hunter Biden faced more severe felony charges for failing to pay taxes, rather than the misdemeanor for which he finally agreed to plead guilty.

Ministry of Justice officials refuted these allegations on Thursday.

In a statement, the US Department of Justice stated: “As stated by the Attorney General and US Prosecutor David Weiss, US Prosecutor Weiss has full authority over this matter, including being responsible for deciding whether to file charges at the appropriate location, time, and whether to file charges.” “He does not require further approval to do so

Hunter Biden’s lawyer did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


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