Two more “oath guardians” were sentenced for the attack on Capitol Hill

On Friday (June 2), two members of the ultra right-wing organization “Oath Guardian” were sentenced to three years’ imprisonment for inciting conspiracy and other charges – the latest sentence related to the attack on Capitol Hill on January 6, 2021.
David Moerschel, 45, is a neurophysiologist from Punta Gorda, Florida, while Joseph Hackett, 52, is a spinal masseur from Sarasota, Florida. They were convicted in January of playing a role in a violent conspiracy with other members of the anti government extremist organization ‘Oath Guardian’, Prosecutors claim that this violent conspiracy is aimed at preventing former President Donald Trump from transferring power to President Joe Biden after the 2020 election.
Both are low-level members accused of inciting conspiracy. Mosher was sentenced to three years in prison, and Hackett was sentenced to three and a half years in prison.
A total of 9 individuals related to the “Oath Guardian” have been tried for inciting conspiracy, and 6 have been found guilty in two separate trials of this rare and civil war era accusation, including the founder of the organization, Stewart Rhodes. Rhodes was sentenced to 18 years in prison last week – a record sentence for defendants in the Capitol Hill attack. Three defendants were found guilty of incitement and conspiracy, but were found guilty of other crimes.
Prosecutors say Mosher and Hackett helped collect firearms and ammunition and hid them in a hotel in Virginia for use by the so-called “quick reaction force”, which could quickly enter the capital, Washington. These weapons have never been used. The prosecutor said that Mosher provided an AR-15 rifle and a Glock semi-automatic pistol, and Hackett helped transport the weapons.
The accusation documents state that on January 6, 2021, these two men dressed in paramilitary equipment entered the Capitol building in a military formation along with other “sworn guardians”.
Troy Edwards, the prosecutor of the Ministry of Justice, said, “The security of our country and democracy should not depend on the impulses of madmen
Mosher told the judge that he was deeply ashamed to forcibly break into the Capitol and join the riot, which caused serious harm to some police officers and forced staff to panic and flee.
When I was on the stairs, Your Honor, I felt like God was saying to me, ‘Get out.’ And I didn’t, ‘he said in court, his voice hoarse with excitement. I have violated God, I have violated the law
Mosher was a neurophysiologist who was responsible for monitoring anesthetized surgical patients before his arrest. However, he was later dismissed and now works in architecture and landscaping. He was once a missionary and is currently married with three children.
Hackett also stated that he remembered feeling scared when he stepped into the Capitol that day. He said, “I am truly sorry for causing so much suffering


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