Director of Indiana funeral home where police found 31 decomposing bodies pleads guilty

The director of an Indiana funeral home where police found dozens of decomposing bodies and cremated remains has plead guilty to felony charges.

In July of 2022, Jeffersonville Police received a complaint about a foul smell coming from the now-closed Lankford Funeral Home.

Officers, as well as other law enforcement and regulatory agencies, secured the facility and conducted a search wearing hazmat suits.

They reported 31 decomposing bodies were present along with the ashes of 17 cremated individuals.

Randy Lankford, the business’ owner, appeared in court Friday and plead guilty to more than 40 counts of felony theft as part of a deal for failing to complete paid funeral services.

The plea agreement gives Lankford four years in prison and eight years of home incarceration. He must also pay $46,000 in restitution to the families of the deceased.

Clark County Prosecutor Jeremy Mull said, with a large backlog of cases caused by the pandemic, this was the most immediate way to get justice for the victims.

“It’s important, as a prosecutor in a case, to say, ‘Can we get this resolved? Can we get convictions? Can we get an executed jail sentence? Can we get people their restitution they’re due and do that on a timely basis?'” he said. “We were able to do that in this case and I’m pleased with that.”

Derrick Kessinger attended Friday’s hearing. He says he entrusted Lankford with the care of three loved ones, including his fiancée.

“It’s been tough, but I do forgive him for what he did,” he said. “I hope he can find forgiveness.”


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